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Предмет: Иностранный язык

Тип: Дипломная работа

Объем: 55 стр.

Год: 2015

Предварительный просмотр

Интенсификация обучения иностранному языку с использованием компьютерных технологий

Introduction 3
1 Theoretical foundation devoted to the usage of new information technologies in the teaching of the English language 6
1.1 Informational Computer Technologies as a mean of development of cognitive activity of pupils according to the conditions of new context of education 6
1.2 Designed language teaching methodology in context of modern computer learning aid 10
1.3 Existing software for learning foreign languages 13
1.4 Forms of work with computer tutorials during English lessons 19
2 Exploratory development on testing computer program Power Point in use of teaching English 25
2.1 Psychological and pedagogical bases of use of designing methods in the process of teaching foreign languages 25
2.2 Diagnostics of initial level of pupils’ knowledge on the English language and level of their motivation 27
2.3 Usage of design method with the help of Power Point 31
2.3.1 Theoretical basis of project development of complex of English lessons on the theme «What a wonderful world!» 31
2.3.2 Content and implementation of project «What a wonderful world!» 32
2.4 Revelation of results and their interpretation 47
Conclusion 52
Bibliography 55

National Compulsory Educational Standard of the republic of Kazakhstan states as one of the primary goals of education «development of the multilingual personality with the basic national and world cultural values, ready for socio-cultural interaction and self-realization» along with «building up communicative competence on the basis of state and other socially important languages acquisition».
Thus, the schooling system faces the task of presenting new approaches to learning, guiding children to such ways of thinking and interacting, that would be useful in solving any problem arising in front of them at any age. Acquisition of home and world culture achievements; state, Russian and foreign languages acquisition are among objectives of system of education in Kazakhstan.

1 Theoretical foundation devoted to the usage of new information technologies in the teaching of the English language
1.1 Informational Computer Technologies as a mean of development of cognitive activity of pupils according to the conditions of new context of education
The beginning of the third millennium is characterized as a transition to the «information society», having the new structure, in which the decisive role is played by industries related to the receipt, distribution and processing of information [1;51]. This transition is connected with the new «technological revolution», which is characterized by generalized computerization and informatization of society.
For the dynamic development of information society the development of human resources is necessary that can meet the requirements of the information age through education and lifelong learning to meet the growing demand for professionals in the field of information technology [2;86]. That’s why it’s necessary to pay greater attention to basic education, acquired in secondary institutions.
We can’t deny that information changes, which we face nowadays, are global. Moreover, it’s obvious that there is a necessity of reconsideration of approaches to education as a whole system.

1.2 Designed language teaching methodology in context of modern computer learning aid
Analysis of material which is discussed on international scientific conferences shows us that the purpose of education isn’t just knowledge and skills, but also definite qualities of personality. Post-industrial society is interested in ability to take decisions, adapt to varying conditions of life, act on one’s own etc.
However, according to the opinion of E.S. Polat, who is the author of researches on teaching foreign languages, including the method of projects, «solution of these tasks was rather difficult because of absence of real conditions for carrying out, in consideration of traditional approach to education which focuses on class-lessons system» [10;13]. She supposes that the main task of school doesn’t consist in the content of education, but in usage of new technologies of teaching.

1.3 Existing software for learning foreign languages
Also, nowadays, there is more versatile technical means of teaching. They’re electronic interactive boards, for example SMART Boards. Using them, we practice method of projects, which was already mentioned by us. But they have more advantages over usage of application program Microsoft Power Point. The matter is, that SMART Boards refer to the class of software for learning foreign languages, which has more higher level than just ordinary computer programs.
Below we’ll give brief analysis of main computer technologies used for teaching foreign languages which exist nowadays. Each of these technologies is an inseparable symbiosis of hardware and software, that’s why we should add short description of appropriate technical devises to our analysis.

1.4 Forms of work with computer tutorials during English lessons
Let us consider one more mean which is also referred to the newest technologies, used in the process of teaching foreign language.
The main types of work which can be used during lessons of English are divided into 2 groups: usage of educational computer programs on CD and creation of programs by a teacher and their further usage during lessons of explanation of material or control of pupils’ knowledge.
When pupils learn English in the form of play – is one of the best principals of educational system. Diversity of multimedia games favours expantion of vocabulary, familiarizes with grammar of English, teaches to understand speech of native speakers and write correctly.
Multimedia opportunities allow to listen to speech in English adapting it to own level of every pupil. Also, possibility to change speed of auding allows to cut phrases into words. Thanks to it, pupils can suit pronunciation and writing of English words. Usage of microphone and automatic control of pronunciation allow to correct phonetic skills.

2 Exploratory development on testing computer program Power Point in use of teaching English
2.1 Psychological and pedagogical bases of use of designing methods in the process of teaching foreign languages
Nowadays, in the educational system of our country we notice a change of paradigm of school education which is connected with the search for such methods of teaching that would be able to prepare the young generation to modern life. We need a technology that would permit a teacher to enter their students to the teaching process, to focus their search on the knowledge that favours the further development of bilingual personality, further development of communicative, sociocultural and intercultural competence.
One of the prospective methods of teaching, in our opinion, which has a deep potential for development, education and creating a full-educated person in modern society is the method of projects, which has already shown itself to advantage. We agree with E. Polat, who states, that the project method is not only a creative, but also it encourages communication activities of project’s participants [26;31]. According to it, we can speak about availability of its relation to learning foreign languages in a secondary school.
It is interpreted by methodists and teachers in different ways. We adhere to the following definition of this method: « Method of projects involves a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow us to solve a particular problem as a result of independent actions of pupils with the obligatory presentation of these results. If we speak about the method of projects as a method of teaching technology, this technology involves the collection of research, problematic methods which are creative by their nature» [27;67].

2.2 Diagnostics of initial level of pupils’ knowledge on the English language and level of their motivation
A theoretical study of our hypothesis shows a necessity to analyze this issue during the real educational process.
For implementation of our experiment, we form two groups on the basis of two classes - 8 "A" (12 pupils) and 8 "B" (15 pupils) of secondary school № 23, Kostanay. They become the control and experimental groups accordingly.
In the beginning of experiment, we have identified two goals.
First of all, to identify the initial level of motivation of learning English. For this purpose, we need to solve the following tasks:

2.3.2 Content and implementation of project «What a wonderful world!»
As we have already mentioned, our project consists of 10 lessons according to technology of the usage of method of projects during the process of teaching English.
For lessons, we use such programs as Microsoft Power Point, Paint, Exсel and Word.
Microsoft Power Point is used for demonstration of grammar material (Future in the Past, Sequence of Tenses, Negative adjective prefixes, Subjunctive Mood of 1-st and 2-nd type). Also, with the help of this program we make different types such as:

2.4 Revelation of results and their interpretation
At the end of our experiment we came to the following results: majority of pupils demonstrated high interest in project and it favoured the rise of motivation during the process of learning English. Pupils maintained discipline, were active during the lessons and made all tasks almost without any difficulties. It favoured the high concentration of attention, activization of speech and cognitive activities.
Resultant defence of projects in the aggregate results of each lesson allow to underline the following: method of projects, based on modern computer technologies, is an effective innovation mean which provides:

So, we can say that thanks to our research which touches the problem of the usage of computer technologies during the process of teaching English, we came to the conclusion the ability of teachers to organize lessons and correctly choose one of the means of modern computer technologies leads to a large efficiency of the educational process.
The computer plays an increasing role in modern education. The use of computers in teaching and overtime work is an effective way to improve motivation and individualization of instruction. Integration of usual lesson with a computer allows the teacher to shift part of their work on the computer, while the learning process becomes more interesting and intense. The computer does not replace the teacher, but only complements it. The use of computer technology makes the lesson more exciting and allows to make an informed choice for best training.